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State of Development
uno-pas-bridge is currently under development.
Ver. 0.9.0
Ver. 0.9.1
- Fixed some memory leakages.
- Fixed handling of "out" parameters.
- Some other little fixes.
Ver. 0.9.2.
- Changed names (prefixes, suffixes): OO->uno, delphi->pascal.
- Simplified work with UNO (without *.bpl, use only pas_uno library).
- Fixed some memory leakages.
- Initial FreePascal support was added (use test branches 2.1, 2.3). Using of FreePascal has some limitations:
- variant methods chain call isn't worked (FreePascal temporary bug)
(example: xComponentContext.getServiceManager.createInstanceWithContext('', xComponentContext ))
- as for now, FreePascal does not support variant properties. Therefore,
UNO structure fields access (r/w) isn't available.
Some other little fixes.